Mayor Bloomberg--global warming as bad as terrorism
- Above New York Mayor Bloomberg above at UN is also an international global warming star, (2/12/08, ap). He told reporters global warming is as "lethal as terrorism" photo from Gothamist,
- Bloomberg Business Week dep. editor, also cap and trade promoter via global warming, Eric Pooley
- 5/21/10, "Polluted by Profit": "These groups are positioning themselves to be the middlemen in a carbon market.
They are helping to set up, in effect, a global system of carbon laundering...
- that will give the impression of action,
- but no substance....
So it has come to this. After decades of slowly creeping corporate entanglement,
some of the biggest environmental groups have remade themselves in the image of their corporate backers: they are putting profit before planet. ... It seems the US "green" groups have come to see the world- solely through the funnel of the US Senate and what legislation
- Because the bulk of the Senate – including many Democrats – is owned by Big Oil and Big Coal." ...****
- In his interview, Pooley describes some "deniers" as simply people who don't like taxes. He even described "Tea Partiers" as people who "deny" global warming simply because they "don't like taxes." Mr. Pooley, if people have no job, and no money, taxes aren't quite the point.
- Pooley and "caring" people want selfish ignorant rubes to just shut up and become a slave to global billionaires and thugs, turn over more of our finite time and energy on earth, our "taxes", to good guys like him and the UN. Perhaps Pooley's desperation is in part because he knows we are in a worsening depression and his window is closing too.
- NONE OF HIS TAXPAYER SUBSIDIZED 'GREEN' SCAMS WILL propel our CARS. ie WE WILL STARVE TO DEATH IN OUR DECREPIT HOMES UNDER HIS PLAN. The so-called electric car industry cannot possibly replace what we're now driving no matter how much tax money is diverted to broke electric car scam artists.
- See 5/27/10, Tesla founder, "I ran out of cash." venturebeat
- 40 million a month are on food stamps and it's going up.
- 3/18/09 on Brown Shirt Tactics: "These are brown shirt tactics effectively just
- shouting down any opponents and preempting debate.
- The climate industry rests on the criminally false assumption that catastrophic man caused climate change (global warming) exists, and is largely caused by evil US citizens who therefore must pay billions in reparations. Money must be immediate and continue indefinitely to enrich corrupt UN grifters, brutal equatorial dictators, billionaire hedge fund thugs and various other "stakeholders" with the Chicago Climate Exchange. We must surrender our lives, our families and our sovereignty without complaint to unelected imperialist global thugs.
Labels: Bloomberg Business Week's Eric Pooley on Climate Wars
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