Dan Plesac to MLB Network--Ed Sherman
"According to sources, Dan Plesac is expected to take an analyst job with the new Major League Baseball Network. He has been in discussions with network officials.
- That would be a loss for Comcast SportsNet, where Mr. Plesac handled the pre- and post-game analysis for Cubs telecasts. The left-hander is terrific in breaking down a game."...
Plesac made if official on Chicago Tribune Live last night on Comcast SportsNet Chicago. He is leaving for the MLB Network and made his last appearance on Comcast last night.
I will miss him on the Cubs Pre and Post-game shows but look forward to his analysis of all 30 teams.
What I like best about Plesace is his enthusiasm and love of baseball really shines in his broadcast and I wish only the best for 'Sac and his family.
Good Luck!
cowsarecool220, at 11:16 AM
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