Saturday, March 03, 2007

YES NETWORK should listen to Yankee radio's John Sterling & Suzyn Waldman--but never will

Thanks so much to the Yankee radio voices today-I enjoyed hearing them call the Pittsburgh-Yankee game, especially in the 8th and 9th inning as they proved me 100% right once again. They spoke on and off over about 30 minutes of the most important Yankee on the team. Even though Mariano Rivera wasn't on the mound today, they spoke of his presence in the clubhouse, cited conversations he's had with all the Latin players who apparently flock to his locker--showing they're much smarter than the YES Network.
  • Suzyn Waldman mentioned Goose Gossage had a deep conversation with Mariano somewhere off in a corner today. Maybe Gossage's constant, well-publicized bitterness comparing himself to the incomparable Mariano will be somewhat assuaged after their talk today. Sterling made a point of saying that he (Sterling) personally went up to Rivera to say hello, briefly interrupting a conversation between Jose Veras and Mo, then offering Mo's comments about some of the new pitchers. Suzyn & John remarked how seriously Rivera takes his role as a friend and adviser to the new players. (I posted here last year how Mo invites many new players to his house for a home-cooked meal with his wife and family). My last thought is about John Sterling, without whom I couldn't listen to Yankee broadcasts: From what I heard, he took more frequent breaths while speaking-not that he sounded like he was stalling for what to say as lesser lights will do, but that he needed the air. Anyhow, I hope it's temporary allergies or something like that.
  • P.S. I'll stop bringing up the subject of Mariano when the YES Network or anyone else starts doing its job.

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