Venezuelan dictator oil program administered by Caroline Kennedy cousin, has been cancelled

- BOSTON — "Citgo has suspended its free heating oil program for low-income residents, Citizens Energy Chairman Joseph Kennedy announced Monday.
Kennedy said the Venezuelan government's Texas-based oil subsidiary cited falling oil prices and the world economic crisis for forcing the company to
- reevaluate all of its social programs,
- including the heating oil program aimed at 400,000 households in 16 states.
The program, started in 2005 with Citizens Energy, a nonprofit (tax exempt) headed by Kennedy, sent 100 gallons of free oil a year to eligible households.
"It remains unclear how long this postponement, if it is one, will last," Kennedy said in a statement on the Citizens Energy Web site....
Kennedy drew fire from critics of Chavez when he began the fuel assistance program with Citgo. Critics charged that Chavez, a socialist and staunch U.S. critic who famously called President Bush "the devil," was using the
heating oil program as propaganda.
Rep. Connie Mack, R-Fla., accused Kennedy of working with "a sworn enemy of the United States"
and betraying the legacy of President John F. Kennedy, his uncle, who spoke of the perils of communism.
Kennedy responded that critics should hold oil-exporting countries and other trade partners, like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Russia and China, to the same standards."
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