The Elephant in the Red Sox Board Room

- 1. 5/6/07, The Boston Globe reports the Red Sox made an $18 million dollar offer to Roger Clemens to pitch in the 2007 season. (The article reports Clemens did not accept the offer).
- 2. August 2007, Jon Heyman reports the month when George Mitchell first contacted Brian McNamee about Roger Clemens (1/7/08
- "Three months later, in August (2007), he (McNamee) was called before Mitchell, and asked to nod to what he told the feds the month before. When he was done nodding, he says Mitchell hugged him. But he claims he took no pride in it."
- Meaning Mitchell would have had conferences with McNamee on days when perhaps Clemens was even pitching for the Red Sox, planning for a glittering grand ballroom drop of Clemens' name, Mitchell's own player.
- Meaning George Mitchell as an owner of the Red Sox would have rented space in a grand ballroom of a NY city hotel to use last December to showcase his own player on worldwide cameras as the biggest villain in baseball.
- You see the problem. But no one talks about it.
Labels: Clemens and George Mitchell, Elephant in the Red Sox board room
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