Canadian commenter prefers baseball to hockey
- Canadian (Red Sox fan) comments to Richard Justice article on
I am Canadian and I started playing baseball when I was 4...3 years before I started playing hockey. When I tell people I would rather watch baseball than hockey, they're shocked. Baseball is really an either/or sport. You either love it or you don't. I love it.
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- Each play is important.
- I don't try to convert them into fans. Sometimes baseball is better enjoyed in peace and quiet. Yeah, some players have tried to gain an edge. Players have always tried, stealing signs, putting stuff on the baseball, and most recently, steroids. But the game of baseball will always be there.
- (I liked his idea about enjoying baseball in peace and quiet. Why does the Minnesota Twins radio play by play guy raise his voice to its highest register for no reason when he could be speaking in a normal conversational tone? I'd like to listen to Twins games but can't because of him). sm
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