Wednesday, October 17, 2007

"Breaking Up is Hard to Do"---George Vecsey, NY Times on Joe Torre

While acknowledging it could be time for change, NY Times' George Vecsey has other insights as to the Yankee situation:

  • "I’m around the Yankees a bit, and think Torre has a grip on his club, both the youngsters and the veterans. The team may appear passive on the field or in the dugout, but there is solid leadership and sound thinking. The one weakness could be the handling of pitchers, which may be a reflection on Ron Guidry."
  • (Others have just suggested they need one odd man out). sm

"It is true that sometimes a team comes along that appears to outhustle the Yankees in the postseason, like the Angels a few times in this millennium or Cleveland this month. But these teams also have better players in some key positions. Whose fault is that? Besides, the Yankees are not going back to the chaos of Billy Martin, and there don’t seem to be any other candidates.

  • It could be argued that it is time for Torre to go. But it is hardly Torre’s fault that the front office does not seem to feel Don Mattingly is ready to take over.*************

....Some Yankees fans — just like Steinbrenner — think Torre is too passive, too calm. In some parts of the world, this is called maturity. Others don’t like Torre because he tears up when he gets emotional.

  • Heck, I remember Steinbrenner blubbering on my shoulder in the crowded clubhouse after the sweep in San Diego in 1998 — a long time ago, as Yankees fans put it."
From NY Times column by George Vecsey, "Breaking Up is Hard to Do," 10/18/07
  • (I believe Mr. Torre should've stopped the "bugs" game at least for a few minutes. If a player's vision is altered due to an eye infection, he's not going to play. Joba wasn't going to say anything because he's a kid. I'd like to know if Torre would handle it differently next time). sm
P.S. I believe Mr. Vecsey is a die-hard Mets fan as I've stated previously on this blog. I mention this since you may discount his words prematurely. Any half-way positive comment about the Yankees by writers working within 200 miles of New York elicits that knee-jerk reaction. The 2 other factors to consider are first, they may be a Mets fan, and 2nd, the big money in the NY area comes from association with ESPN. If you think they're Yankee fans, you need a head-shrinker.

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