Friday, May 05, 2006

Possible lawsuit to force Nats tv carriage--- highlights problems of extensive blackouts in general

"Again, the point here is not to try to identify which of the parties is the good guy. Rather, it is to show that, given the chance, each of them would try to gain market power and use "must have" regional sports programming to raise prices and undercut competitors. Given that reality, the FCC, in its Adelphia ruling, needs to set down clear rules requiring that regional sports networks make programming available at a reasonable price to any distributor on a nondiscriminatory basis. Otherwise, sports fans can expect plenty more games to be blacked out in the future." The Washington Post business writer explains the points at stake in the Angelos/Comcast/MLB Nats tv deal or lack thereof. Interesting point to me is reference to possible opening the door of many other horrendous blackout deal the boys of MLB have crafted for themselves, & the fact that this would get into the ANTI-TRUST ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE LOOKED AT IN BASEBALL. Some politician has to be motivated to move this forward.

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