Monday, December 19, 2011

Steinbrenner High School children forced to hear Islamist political speaker, Soc. Studies teacher Miliziano in charge. Updated: Revised Policy

  • Update #5, 2/29/12, Hillsborough County parents met Tues. night 2/28 with school board about outside speakers in children's classrooms in particular Hassan Shibly who was at the meeting, spoke for awhile, then exited and began prayers with several others visible through windows to parents still in the meeting. Pam reports nothing was finalized about/if Shibly will be allowed access to unformed minds of captive children but the matter will be revisited at a later date.
Update #4, 2/16/12, "Hillsborough County School Board Meeting: CAIR in our classrooms," Laura Rambeau Lee, Examiner.com
Update #2, 2/15/12, "Parents at Hillsborough School Board Meeting Demand Hamas-CAIR Indoctrination of School Children Cease, SIOA Exclusive video," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller
  • Update, 1/7/12, "The main person responsible (at Steinbrenner High School) was Kelly R. Miliziano, a teacher in the Social Studies Department at Steinbrenner. And she announced Wednesday that the school has scheduled additional religious speakers to balance the CAIR operative — a Hindu priest or a Christian pastor.

The problem with that is that (Hassan) Shibly is a political speaker. A Hindu priest or Christian pastor won’t counter the poisonous propaganda that Shibly spews to our impressionable young minds. An informed counter-jihad speaker such as Robert Spencer, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan or I myself must be given a chance to speak, so as to counter the lies of Hamas-tied CAIR.

Hamas-linked CAIR should not be speaking at all, but if the public school shills insist on presenting jihadi views, they must provide freedom lovers with the same opportunity.

  • Further, political speakers should be off limits on school grounds.

Meanwhile, the email exchanges between CAIR and Steinbrenner High School are revealing. Miliziano wrote this in a November 14 email: “Every year I invite a representative from CAIR to speak to our AP World History Students.” After CAIR-Tampa responded favorably, Miliziano wrote again: “Over the years I have had many speakers from CAIR come to my classes, and it has been such a good learning experience for the students.”

Miliziano said that she “regularly asks” Shibly to speak. This is despite the fact that Shibly has a track record of defending jihad terrorist groups and acting as an apologist for the worldwide jihad and Islamic supremacism. Following the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War, Shibly granted legitimacy to the jihad terrorist group Hezb’allah by characterizing it as a “resistance movement” that provides valued social services to the Lebanese people. “They’re absolutely not a terrorist organization,” Shibly said, and “any war against them is illegitimate.”

Yet Miliziano refused to respond to parents’ requests to vet the notorious Mr. Shibly. Instead, she attacked the parents who complained. She even called parents’ concerns about CAIR “baseless and Islamophobic.” Yet although it presents itself as a civil rights group, CAIR actually has many links to Islamic supremacist and jihad terror groups. CAIR’s cofounders Omar Ahmad and Niwad Awad attended a Hamas planning meeting in Philadelphia in 1993 where they conspired with Hamas operatives to raise funds for Hamas. And several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various jihad-related crimes.

This should be grounds for Miliziano’s immediate dismissal. Freedom lovers should urge Steinbrenner’s principal, Brenda Grasso, to fire Miliziano at once, demand equal time for freedom fighters, while calling upon Steinbrenner High cease and desist from inviting Muslim Brotherhood groups to speak to public school students. Call for Ms. Miliziano’s removal. Demand equal time for freedom fighters. Brenda Grasso’s email is brenda.grasso@sdhc.k12.fl.us.

One parent of a Steinbrenner student, whose child went through Shibly’s indoctrination, wrote me that his daughter told him that Shibly said that “only 4% or 6% of Muslims were terrorists,” and that his presentation was so positive toward Islam as to be “borderline proselytizing.”

This parent went to Steinbrenner the morning of December 5 and spoke to Kelly King, the Assistant Principal for Curriculum. King confirmed that the speaker who addressed his daughter’s class was indeed a representative from Hamas-linked CAIR. “I explained to Ms. King,” wrote the parent, “that I strongly objected to CAIR being involved in the school, and recited some of CAIR’s more infamous highlights. She replied that the presentation was part of a history of religion unit in their history class. I told her that I have no problem with students being taught the history of Islam, but if the school was going to have a speaker do that, they should invite an Imam, not a representative from a religious based political organization, particularly one with such a dubious history.”

In response, King equated “a Christian pastor to a PAC” and ultimately referred the parent to Miliziano, who said that she regularly invited Shibly to give presentations, and “that the statements I had made about CAIR were baseless and Islamophobic,” even though the parent had expressly told her that he had no problem with the school bringing in an imam to discuss the history of Islam. When the parent tried to explain to her that “the school was associating itself with a religious-based political organization that propagandizes for Islam & Sharia, and are terrorist apologists, Miliziano

  • “completely dismissed these concerns.”

And despite Miliziano’s assurances that a Hindu priest and a Christian pastor would address the class, so far only Shibly has done so.

  • This is unconscionable. Freedom lovers must demand equal time."

1/7/12, "Pamela Geller, Big Government Column: Hamas-linked CAIR in Your Kid’s Classroom," Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

  • ---------------------------------
"Its hard enough for adults to deal with propaganda but its almost impossible for children." "Mass silence led to mass murder."...

"Why is a representative of a terror-linked organization a defender of jihad terror groups and an apologist for Islamic supremacism welcome to speak in public schools?"...

(continuing, Atlas): "However, now we have been able to identify one school -- Steinbrenner High School -- where a representative of CAIR spoke to students. An informed source tells me it was the notorious Hassan Shibly.

Shibly has a track record of defending jihad terrorist groups and acting as an apologist for the worldwide jihad and Islamic supremacism.

Following the 2006 Israel-Lebanon War, Shibly granted legitimacy to Hezb'allah by characterizing it as a "resistance movement" that provides valued social services to the Lebanese people. "They're absolutely not a terrorist organization," Shibly said, and "any war against them is illegitimate" -- more on that here.

Nonetheless, he was welcomed into the school and spoke to several classes throughout the day,

  • including AP World History, World History, and World Religions.

The email exchanges between CAIR and Steinbrenner High School are revealing. Kelly Miliziano, a World History teacher at Steinbrenner, wrote this in a November 14 email:

After CAIR-Tampa responded favorably, Miliziano wrote again: "Over the years I have had many speakers from CAIR come to my classes, and it has been such a good learning experience for the students." She added: "I would prefer to have a speaker for each period of the day so that students can really interact with the speaker and ask questions."

"Every year"? "Many speakers from CAIR"? "Each period of the day"? Hamas-linked groups are regularly talking to high school students? Unindicted co-conspirators in the largest terror funding trial in our nation's history are being given a platform to mislead impressionable teenagers? Miliziano suggested topics that would have given CAIR a magnificent platform to spread their disinformation among the students:
  • Topics can range from :
  • The mission of CAIR
  • Basic beliefs, practices, history of....
  • Confronting stereotypes and misconceptions (a favorite of students)
  • Sharia
  • Why does Islam look differently around the world?
  • Human Rights and Islam
  • Women and Islam in different countries
  • Any other topic you think students should know about.

These are important subjects for students to study, but Hamas-tied CAIR is the last place where they can find out the truth about them. Is this what our public schools are doing with our children -- subjecting them to indoctrination and propaganda? That is child abuse. Where are the counter voices? Where are the voices of freedom?

Steinbrenner High School officials should have known that CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas-linked organization that is dedicated to spreading disinformation about Islam and terror, opposing anti-terror activity, and defaming freedom fighters. CAIR was one of the many Islamic groups that were named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas jihad funding trial. They are in the top five of the AFDI Threats to Freedom Index.

Read more: the rest....

  • Steinbrenner High School - (Rt 2)
  • 5575 W. Lutz Lake Fern Rd.
  • Lutz, FL. 33558
  • 813 792-5131 Ext. 264
  • Kelly.miliziano@sdhc.k12.fl.us
  • 813-792-5131 Ext. 264
  • 813-792-5135 (Fax)
  • Milizano "preferred to have a speaker for each period of the day so that students can really interact with the speaker and ask questions."...

    Hillsborough County Public Schools

    MaryEllen Elia, Superintendent

    901 E Kennedy Blvd P.O. Box 3408 Tampa, Fl 33601 USA

    phone: (813)272-4000


    • --------------------------

    12/4/11, "Child Abuse: Hamas-Linked CAIR Poisoning Minds of High School Students," Pamela Geller


    • Comments to Pamela Geller's article:

    1. In an email to the high school: It seems you've invited "a group with known links to terrorist organizaton, Hamas, to speak propaganda to an entrapped audience. At the very least if world history is important that you invite also a Jewish Rabbi and a Christian...."

    • ---------------

    2. Steinbrenner High School should give equal time to someone else to explain more about CAIR's activities.

    • ---------------

    Comments to Pamela Geller's article on American Thinker:

    • 1. "Harod"

    "Thanks to Pamela for bringing this to our attention, Hamas has no business anywhere near children. Its hard enough for adults to deal with propaganda but its almost impossible for children. USF in Tampa had a professor which resigned to become the president of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Now its my understanding USF is pursuing Arab billionaires to send their kids to their school and donate money and buildings."

    • ---------------------
    • 2. Boston+Harold

    "What are the chances of the school inviting Tim Tebow as a speaker? ...The concept of Orwellian thought police is not too far fetched at all. This crew is good."

    • ----------------------
    • 3. Nina in MA
    "What was this teacher's motive? And why aren't there more christians and jews protesting this? I would be asking when the preacher and the rabbi were coming in. What happened to the separation of church and state that the libs are all hot over? Doesn't this violate that ruling?"
    • --------------------------
    12/29/2009, Thanks to CAIR's influence in the US military, no one could complain about the radical Islamist who eventually murdered 12 unarmed Americans and injured many more at the Ft. Hood army base.
    • ---------------------------

    Tampa/CAIR press release 12/2/11 announcing completed high school presentations:

    (TAMPA, FL, 12/2/11) -- "The Council on American-Islamic Relations of Florida, Tampa chapter (CAIR-Tampa), gave seven presentations on Islam this week to over a dozen different AP world history and world religions public high school classes in the Tampa area. The presentations covered topic such as
    • basic Muslim beliefs,
    • Islamic history,
    • Islam and human rights,
    • religious tolerance and diversity, and
    • popular misconceptions about Islam.

    "Conflict is ultimately the result of hatred resulting from misunderstanding. By learning about each other we can come to appreciate and respect each other. The beauty of American diversity is that we may disagree on issues of politics or faith, yet such differences need not prohibit us from working together for a better society,"

    Shibly also emphasized that the fear-mongering against American Muslims today orchestrated by Islamophobes is no different than the discrimination many other religious, ethnic and racial groups faced as they integrated into the fabric of American Society. "We must value the freedoms, rights and respect for diversity, that distinguishes our nation and never take such freedoms for granted. When one group of Americans lose their rights, we all do."

    CAIR Tampa also lectured this week at one of the world's top Arts College's on Islamophobia and challenges facing American Muslims in addition to lecturing at an Adult Education University on Islamic beliefs and history.

    CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding."

    • --------------------

    "The CAIR-induced mass silence led to mass murder....

    Thanks to CAIR, 42 brave American soldiers were gunned down by an Islamic nut in Texas. That’s right, thanks to CAIR....

    It was the intimidating and ruthless CAIR that almost single-handedly created a climate of fear of reporting any suspicious anti-American behavior on the part of Muslim soldiers like Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, accused of the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11....

    CAIR’s lawyers have filed thousands of EEOC complaints and lawsuits since 9/11. They’ve even gone after John Doe citizens who alerted airline crew to Muslim men behaving as menacingly and suspiciously as the 9/11 hijackers. CAIR’s “Flying While Muslim” anti-profiling campaign has had a chilling effect throughout the aviation security industry.

    CAIR gulled non-Muslims into the kind of see-no-evil dhimmitude that allowed Hasan to carry out his alleged terror. Had anyone dared officially protest Hasan’s extremist views, they would have not only risked their military careers but potentially faced a lawsuit sponsored by CAIR.

    Hasan was treated with kid gloves because CAIR demanded it.

    Thanks to CAIR, a dozen soldiers lay dead, along with 29 wounded....

    Thanks to CAIR, the military along with everyone else in government is terrified of associating terrorism with Islam. No one dares utter the M word, lest they be sued for discrimination or branded an “anti-Muslim bigot” or “Islamophobe” by CAIR’s smear merchants."...

    • --------------

    "Federal prosecutors have named three prominent Islamic organizations in America as participants in an alleged criminal conspiracy to support a Palestinian Arab terrorist group, Hamas.

    Prosecutors applied the label of "unindicted co-conspirator" to the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America, and the North American Islamic Trust in connection with a trial planned in Texas next month for five officials of a defunct charity, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development....

    The co-conspirator designation could be a blow to the credibility of the national Islamic organizations, which often work hand-in-hand with government officials engaged in outreach to the Muslim community.

    A court filing by the government last week listed the three prominent groups among about 300 individuals or entities named as co-conspirators. The document gave scant details, but prosecutors described CAIR as a present or past member of "the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee and/or its organizations."

    Critics note that several former CAIR officials have been convicted or deported after being charged with fraud, embargo violations, or aiding terrorist training....

    • --------------------

    "More than one in four Muslims (or 26%), aged 18-29, said “Suicide Bombing is Justified.” 2% percent of them say it can often be justified, 13% say sometimes, and 11% say rarely. Add to that, the 5% don’t know/refused to answer this easy, instinctive question, and it’s even worse–for a total of 31%–almost a third of young American Muslims, who support homicide bombings. This younger group of Muslims is the most radical, the study found, and

    Pew Study, 5/22/07, "Muslim Americans"

    10/20/11, "The Lost Decade," Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Institute

    "America's current ruling class, the people who lost the War on Terror, monopolizes the upper reaches of American public life, the ranks of those who make foreign and domestic policy, including the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties. It is more or less homogeneous socially and intellectually. In foreign affairs, the change from the Bush to the Obama Administrations was barely noticeable. In domestic matters, the differences are more quantitative than qualitative. Dissent from the ruling class is rife among the American people, but occurs mostly on the sidelines of our politics. If there is to be a reversal of the ongoing defeats, both foreign and domestic, that have discredited contemporary America's bipartisan mainstream, heretofore marginal people will have to generate it, applying ideas and practices recalled from America's successful past.

    The world of 2011 is even less congenial to America and Americans than it was on September 10, 2001.... The armed forces' moral decline is more serious. The quality of senior officers (as opposed to that of senior non-commissioned officers, who advance through exams) results from advancement via "efficiency reports"—that is, from pleasing superiors. It starts with generals and admirals chosen for compatibility with the ruling class rather than for winning wars.... The occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan proved that our ruling class is capable only of fruitless bloodshed.... "Whatever it takes" Had the Bush team focused on the realities that fed growing images of America as "the weak horse" (to use Osama bin Laden's words), they would have had to consider who were the major contributors to that disrespect, what they and their predecessors had done to incur it, and then to decide what actions would restore it.

    That would have pointed to the Middle East's regimes, and to our ruling class' relationship with them, as the problem's ultimate source. The rulers of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinian Authority had run (and continue to run) educational and media systems that demonize America. Under all of them, the Muslim Brotherhood or the Wahhabi sect spread that message in religious terms to Muslims in the West as well as at home. That message

    • indicts America, among other things,

    And indeed, ever since the 1970s U.S. policy had responded to acts of war and terrorism from the Muslim world by absolving the regimes for their subjects' actions. For example, when Yasser Arafat's PLO murdered U.S. ambassador Cleo Noel, our government continued building friendly relations with Arafat, and romancing the Saudi regime that was financing him. Since then the U.S. government has given $2.5 billion to the PLO. Part of the reason was unwarranted hope, part was fear, and part was the fact that

    • -------------------
    12/17, 2007, ""The Boss" expresses gratitude that a new high school in Lutz will bear his name," St. Pete Times.
    • ------------------
    School children are a captive audience, can't get up and leave unless they're willing to be punished and/or ridiculed.
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    Ed. note: Please excuse bright white background behind half of this post. I believe it's my friendly hackers who've been with me for several years.


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