Sunday, November 02, 2008

British investigative reporters found Obama aunt in Boston--US media overlooked--Times Online UK

"The trail that led to “Aunt Zeituni”, the relative of Barack Obama who was traced by The Times last week, started with Mr Obama’s memoir, one of the most widely read political autobiographies of all time.

In fact, the story came from a book that has been read by millions, including just about everyone connected to the Obama campaign.

Dreams From My Father was first published in 1995, and the story of how Mr Obama returned to Kenya in 1988 to trace his roots has become the cornerstone of his political biography.

Two thirds of the way through the book Mr Obama’s half-sister talked about Africans who had emigrated to the West and were never heard of again, It was not until Wednesday evening that The Times obtained a formal identification of Ms Onyango by George Hussein, Mr Obama’s half-brother who had known her throughout his childhood. First 3 comments to the story from TimesOnline UK:
  • "Who cares? The world will be better soon. Once Obama is elected we will form a new national security unit full of young citizens who will bring real change to America.
  • Pat Shearon, Little River, USA"

"Thank You for your investigative reporting! The reporters in America are too far in the bag for Obama to look for anything negative in his past. A Thankful American


  • "Go figure. It wasn't a Republican conspiracy after all. Good job Times on your wonderful reporting. It is good to see that there are still media outlets out there that still do real reporting, unlike 95% of the media in the US. Cheers.
  • Gunner, St. Louis, USA"
via Lucianne.com
  • P.S. The answer to the mystery is there is no independent media in the United States. Secondly, there is no republican party. (sm)

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