Chris Russo, Steve Somers, Bob Raissman, Richard Neer, Tony Paige, and many others haven't expressed such relief about Andy Pettitte for much less.
Terry Pluto on Paul Byrd (more a 'Tale of 2 Cities'):
- "The newspaper reported Byrd used HGH from 2002 until 2005.
- Baseball banned it on Jan. 13, 2005,
- I was relieved when I read that."
- (Most NY radio guys support the veracity of McNamee v Clemens, using Andy Pettitte's backing to prove McNamee's accuracy. Logical. Then, the same radio guys have put callers and/or 'doctors' on the air to say HGH must be taken over a much longer period to be effective.
- I've never heard any of them say, "Well, I guess Pettitte didn't take enough to get any benefit." Followed by, "I guess McNamee is a liar too because he didn't say Pettitte took a lot more."
- as Terry Pluto said about Paul Byrd (who spent $25,000 on HGH and often used a credit card). sm
- P.S. It still goes on 24/7. Chris Russo on WFAN yesterday said,"Pettitte Lied for 7 Years." (Really--to whom, you? In the first place, you're not Pettitte's judge and jury. Second, he owes you nothing--see Paul Byrd who told the media "it was a private matter.") Russo has repeatedly said Pettitte took steroids--which he never did. In the past week Russo asked someone how Pettitte would be now that he's "off the steroids." A simple letter or phone call could put an end to Russo's slander, but apparently no one cares. (sm)
Well, now that Pettitte has admitted to doing HGH more than just the two times in 2002, what are your thoughts?
Mark, at 1:32 PM
The difference of 2 vs 3 times is not enough on which to comment. What would be interesting is to have testimony from players of all other teams rather than just reacting to names from the Radmomski/McNamee client list. It would also be interesting to hear why the report allowed HGH and steroids to be perceived similarly in terms of how it benefited players. As a partial result, Andy has been written and spoken about as a steroid user when that was not the case. I think Paul Byrd's $25,000 HGH use still beats Andy's 3x use, although it's not at all exciting to BBWAA members.
susan, at 1:49 PM
I agree on the HGH/steroid issue, and think it's wrong when people say Pettitte did steroids. I also agree that there are many more people than just the Radomski/McNamee clients, but those were the ones labeled in the report, so that's what we have to go on right now.
You should concentrate your anger on the Cleveland writers. There would be no reason for writers that cover the Yankees to hammer away on the Byrd issue.
Mark, at 2:36 PM
I understand the media are focused on the Radmoski/McNamee names because that's what's come out. That does not make it the right thing to do. And certainly not to the extent it's become. Re your suggestion about Cleveland writers, I have done so. Many New York media people are nationally focused and discuss matters affecting baseball as a whole. They're not confined to New York matters. I've addressed this as well.
susan, at 3:32 PM
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