Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Those baseball players with "Attention Deficit Disorder"...Vecsey, NY Times

As Dibs said today, there's a huge obesity problem among today's children so a lot of them can't even waddle onto a sports field. No mention of this as Mitchell jerked his head for emphasis, pointed his tobacco stained finger, etc., nor of what a great influence NFL players are on kids.
  • The NY Times is on board with Mitchell in continuing to mainly refer to the issue as a "steroids" one--that makes it sound much worse for the Yankees. Though today George Vecsey mentions one widespread affliction in MLB I'd forgotten--A.D.D....
NY Times, Vecsey: "Baseball’s wonderful adventure continues: adolescents are emulating their heroes by bulking up their bodies and frying their minds. *********************** These 2 stimulants are of course amphetamines................ Moral: MAKE UP A FAKE ILLNESS LIKE ADD OR PITUITARY (LIKE PAUL BYRD), AND THESE PHONIES WILL LET YOU SKATE. MLB/ESPN SHOULD BE CLOSED DOWN TODAY.

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