Raissman---Yankees may be looking to acquire radio station as Cardinals did...
Bob Raissman's columns on sports media & business are always interesting. Among his
topics today are--
* Yankees looking into buying a local radio station...the whole baseball &
radio topic has radically changed since Bud Selig went in &
sold all the local teams' rights to satellite radio without their permission.
Having the local radio rights is now of much less value.
* Although most listeners, fans, & Yankee brass like the pairing of Suzyn
Waldman & John Sterling, Suzyn hasn't been thrilled with it, & was more
than looking forward to the off season. I like both of them, & couldn't
live without John Sterling's voice on the broadcast. However, something
needs to be worked out where everyone knows Sterling is the #1 guy, fine.
But he needs to allow his partner to have some autonomy. The Waldman
pairing has a chance of succeeding if John, the greatest voice ever in my
opinion, will let it.
Raissman adds a few points
about how Cardinal fans are already complaining they can't get the signal of the new,
weaker Cardinal radio station.
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Susan I do not kow how to contact you. Do you have any of the Pat Hughes interview he did last week on XM. You can contact me at neil@chicagocubsonline.com
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM
as long as the Yankee station reaches south NJ...that would be fine
Mike, at 8:31 PM
Indeed, Pinstripe, but as often happens in these cases, you end up
with a wimpy signal.
susan, at 10:19 PM
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