Monday, January 24, 2011

Hidden costs for electric cars especially in California

Fossil fuels provide the electricity needed for electric cars. Batteries for electric cars are made with toxic materials.

Because of the unique way in which energy bills are calculated,

Californians may pay more than any other state to charge their electric cars,

A new study shows that a car like a Nissan Leaf or Chevrolet Volt

  • would increase household electrical use
  • by sixty percent.

Cheaper alternatives include the Cobalt and Prius, which use gas and hybrid technology to

  • reduce the need to plug in.

Of course, there's no such thing as an environmentally-friendly car. Even gas and electric vehicles require electricity generated through un-clean methods, and simply shift the pollution to someplace far away. Cars also require extensive Earth-killing tar and asphalt, which harms the ground and contributes to climate change by trapping heat. The manufacturing process for cars is resource-intensive, and electric batteries

  • require particularly toxic materials.

Tens of thousands of Americans are killed in car crashes every year.

Researchers offered several suggestions to reduce the costs. California could reduce energy rates, but that would result in

The state might also consider creating special meters that bill cars separately from regular household usage. Some power companies are already investigating such measures.

For now, to avoid the higher fees, customers are advised to charge their cars at night."

  • -------------------------
Point of interest: Most US oil and petroleum are not imported from Middle East countries, per Energy Information Administration. Not to say oil is therefore good, but I didn't realize this. Canada is the country we import most from. ed.

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