Friday, October 03, 2008

The left has lost its whipping boy and can't find a new one.

The left thinks it's against the right. They need to come up with a new enemy, because today's 'right' is a hybrid making it closer to Karl Marx. On the economy 'bail-out' (now including pork for bicycle shops in Oregon, an American Samoa business, wooden arrow companies, etc):

The Bush administration used the 9/11 attacks as an excuse for the biggest increase in military spending and policepower since WWII.

Homeowners want protection from their own bad judgment. Investors want protection from market forces. The old want free medicine. The young want free schooling. The unemployed want jobs and money.

  • The rich* want politicians in their pockets. The poor are never satisfied. Investors, homeowners, pensioners –- is there anyone left in the world who isn't trying to get something for nothing? And governments oblige."
via Lucianne.com
  • *Such as MLB owners
P.S. The Iraq 'war' was just about money for certain US businesses. There are more "contractors" in Iraq than there are soldiers. It was a war for a few days, mainly an excuse to hand out long term business contracts in the area that will never, never end. If none of this is true, why hasn't the so-called war ended by now?

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