Thursday, March 13, 2008

MLB.com's "Elite Tools" survey hides Anonymous Sources

Why tell us, "Scouts' Honor," that this is a highly credible survey/poll, etc., when you can list the names of the referenced scouts and reporters? The report, "TOOLS DETERMINE WHO IS MLB'S ELITE," 3/13/08, means little to me without the names, positions and backgrounds of everyone whose opinion was counted.
  • John Schlegel of MLB.com writes: ..."You ask the best evaluators of talent, of course. You ask Major League scouts, the experts among experts at knowing who's really tops in each detail of the game.

So MLB.com's reporters sought out Major League scouts in their organizations to break it all down -- by baseball tools, and by position. For the first installment of MLB's Best, it's about the tools."...

  • I have no reason to believe any of the results without first seeing the names, positions, and backgrounds of the decision makers. Including John Schlegel. No one should.
MLB.com is the most powerful medium for baseball information. Fans have ceded this to them. For those without time or inclination, the words of MLB.com shape million dollar opinions. I understand they'd like to keep themselves secreted away with all that power. But I prefer the light of day, not another autocratic proclamation by MLB (or ESPN) Central Command without sources.

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