- Top of the 8th, Angels v Red Sox, Joe Castiglione marvels at a Coco Crisp catch and Dave booms his approval as well over poor Joe. O'Brien gives a superlative about Coco's great plays in the outfield, says he knows especially well how good he is because of his concurrent work on ESPN.
- But, as you say, there's no connection between the Red Sox and ESPN.
Not that there isn't a connection between the YES Network and ESPN or everyone and ESPN. But you have a local team radio play by play guy cross-promoting the White House (ie, ESPN) and using it to increase the credibility of his opinion.
- Yankee radio with John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman is an oasis in the desert of nationally oriented broadcasters foisted on local baseball fans.
Sterling and Waldmn an oasis?? well maybe for the kids at the American School for the Deaf.
Steve M, at 11:15 AM
A funny, not as mean as some are.
I listen to all kinds of baseball radio announcers via XM so have a basis of comparison for Sterling and Waldman. They are probably the only 2 broadcasters who've seen every pitch thrown in every Yankee game dating back to at least 1995 which is important to me. Second, many of the newer guys on radio seem to have the same style: very high-pitched voice, alternating the decibel pitch so you can't relax and listen to the game and a compulsivity to fill up every second of air just for the sake of filling it up. Following on that, I prefer a deeper tone of voice delivered in a conversational manner--a similar one to Sterling would be Jon Miller. There are other variables. I realize many play by play guys have to say certain things, hype ticket sales, etc., which no one likes (I'm well aware Sterling does this) But I feel sorry for some guys as I get the impression their own job might be on the line if they don't come up with enough excitement in their voice--eg Hey, a walk! Baseball radio play by play is supposed to be a 1 to 1 experience, a conversation. While people like Dave O'Brien have some very good qualities, his delivery is too big for radio--it's the kind you normally hear on TV. I do like Joe Castiglione as his delivery is more natural, he's not giving a lecture.
susan, at 3:09 PM
So you've heard Glenn Geffner then?
Here's my take:
Steve M, at 3:35 PM
Yes, Glenn Geffner is a good example of the current crop I referred to.
susan, at 3:59 PM
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