Monday, July 03, 2006

Where is the great Yankee Stadium Writers Series?

So far, all I see is the Great Fenway Park Writers Series, one of which took place this weekend. The baseball writers dominating discourse today are emotionally attached to the Red Sox which they're entitled to be. They commiserate & most hope for fame & money. It's a big boost for them that ESPN is located in southern New England, further solidifying the information barricade. But there are a few very bad things that've been happening as a result of this monopoly, which is why I started this blog.
  • To nurture the closed world of so-called baseball information, we even have such things as the Fenway Park Writers Series. I realize it's very time consuming to try & get the correct information out against this great monopoly (which includes the BBWAA), but it's a very serious situation, & great injustices are being done. I'm just hoping others will join the fight.

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