Saturday, May 20, 2006

Action plan to take back baseball--for the 1 or 2 of you who care

  1. Stop buying tickets to MLB games.
  2. Buy as little as possible from MLB.com.
  3. Don't buy extra MLB packages on cable tv.
  4. Listen to games on radio or watch on basic cable.
  5. Ask your newspaper to stop carrying Scripps Howard and/or Tracy Ringolsby's column.
  6. If it has not already done so, ask your newspaper to stop allowing its baseball writers to vote on baseball awards.
  7. Should the WBC take place again, do not but a ticket.
  8. Ask your area team to look into raising the pitchers' mound or to contract baseball by at least 2 teams. The 300 plus pitchers per year needed for 30 teams are simply not available &/or cannot remain injury-free in the current system.

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