Wednesday, April 13, 2011

California MLB games and their scoreboards suggested as vehicles for California Teachers Union protests to demand higher taxes

MLB's 5 California teams are suggested sites for California Teachers Union protests in coming weeks, especially May 9-13. They even suggest scoreboard involvement:
  • "*Protest at an MLB game. Everyone wears a matching shirt and sits in one section. Have scoreboard acknowledge their presence (i.e., “pink-slipped teachers seated in section ___”) (p. 3, item #10).
Regional rallies to include San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, page 2 item 7
  • --------------------------
4/11/11, "The California Teachers Association’s plan to occupy the State Capitol on May 9-13 as part of the union’s protests to increase tax revenue for the state’s schools and teachers....

They have a list of “potential activities the CTA State Council suggests as a starting point. Of course MLB made the list! So be ready Padres, Giants, A's, Angels, and Dodgers!:

  • *"Protest at an MLB game. Everyone wears a matching shirt and sits in one section. Have scoreboard acknowledge their presence (i.e., “pink-slipped teachers seated in section ___”)" (p. 3, item #10)

Other "State of Emergency" protest suggestions include:

* For teachers: "Call parents to tell them how their child is doing and then talk about the budget cuts and invite them to attend rallies." (P. 1, item 3)

Reference: "State of Emergency Ideas," California Teachers Assn., pdf, via Hot Air. (Some of the more provocative ideas on the original list have apparently been removed, ed.)


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