Tuesday, January 12, 2010

NY Times David Brooks vexed by common Americans, chills out at NHL global warming greet

American Thinker: "David Brooks is upset.
And when the New York Times columnist, this Obama-designated conservative intellectual, the National Public Radio/MS-NBC-anointed voice for America's conservative masses, is upset, he does what comes naturally to those who regard themselves
  • as born and educated to lead the rest of us.
  • He screams. A trendy, effeminate, New York Times scream.... The high-pitched kind that bounces off the glass-paneled bar at Le Cirque and shakes the Wedgewood water goblets.
  • It's not fair, whines Brooks -- we "should have the power to implement programs to solve the country's problems" by virtue of "intellect" and "expertise."
"We" are "big government, big business, big media, and the affluent professionals" who comprise the "educated class."
  • Obama and his Ivy League appointees, The New York Times and legacy media elites, the newly progressive Democratic Party --
a regular Intellectuals

Я Us.....

And he screams the view from Manhattan, from expense-account Georgetown and 90210, the White House and Harvard Square, from the New York Times,

How dare they? These bozos, these ingrates, these rabble whose only job is to allow themselves to be governed by an "educated class"...and they can't even accomplish that,
  • choosing instead to do something so inane as think for themselves. ...
Brooks prides himself on his New York Times-like understanding of ordinary life. Why, only last week he moderated
  • a symposium on global warming sponsored, in part, by the National Hockey League. Hockey -- you can't get any more common than that! He looked around him and was "infected by their passion."
The hockey players' passion? Uh, no -- the "academics, business leaders[, and] activists" on the panel. He didn't actually go to a game or meet any players; that's something Sarah Palin does, after all. But he did have a piercing "educated class" insight for Times readers: "Hockey players like ice.""... Reference: Shakedown: NHL players steered to support global warming, Feb. 2009

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