Monday, December 07, 2009

Shakedown: White House used UN Thug IPCC data on CO2 without checking. Did Supreme Court do the same?

US Senator Inhofe: "Lisa Jackson, Obama's EPA Administrator, admitted to me publicly that EPA based its action today in good measure on the findings Of course, we now have thousands of emails showing several of the UN's top scientists apparently evading laws requiring transparency, defaming scientists with opposing viewpoints, and manipulating data to fit preconceived opinions. They cooked the science.

For example, some of the scientists involved worked to exclude inconvenient facts -- most notably the fact that

The scandal, which has come to be known as "climategate," has rocked the scientific community. The Atlantic Monthly said,

  • "The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering."
  • And the U.K. Telegraph said, "This is the worst scientific scandal of our generation."

The UN is investigating it; leading academic and scientific institutions are investigating it; and I am investigating it. Yet, Democratic leaders in Congress and the Obama Administration have dismissed it. I agree with Sen. Joe Lieberman, who said of climategate, "We ought to be demanding that that be cleaned up. We ought to be angry about it."

  • The endangerment finding also will have virtually no impact on global warming. That's because India and China, two of the world's leading emitters of CO2, are left out. Of course, next week President Obama will try to spin "commitments" from India and China to address their emissions --
  • yet these commitments will be effectively meaningless.

So, our jobs and our emissions will move to countries that have few if any environmental requirements. Don't take my word for it; just ask

  • EPA Administrator Jackson, who said
That's right, because this isn't about saving the planet. It's about getting up to $400 billion per year, every year, from US taxpayers to unnamed sleazebags around the world. Such demands are in news reports every day. And will they overturn it now that everyone knows it's incorrect?


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