Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Media see no evil in ClimateGate, see role persuading public of global propaganda-IBD

  • Gone are the fearless watchdogs in the press.

"Media: The shameless denial with which major newspapers and networks have treated "Climategate" layers even more scandal on top of the original one:

The evolution of America's dominant media from guardians of our freedoms to enablers of government growth has been a decades-long story, their biases copiously chronicled.

  • But their response to the scientific scandal of the century, since it broke a week and a half ago,
  • bids to become known as history's great unmasking of these supposedly independent journalists.

The scandal burst into the open when a hacker — we'll call that mysterious figure a whistle-blower if they won't — released thousands of e-mails exchanged by climate scientists who beaver away at Britain's University of East Anglia.

The e-mails clearly reveal that the university's Climatic Research Unit, a central source of data for global warming alarmists,

Even more: They conveniently lost the original data on which their house-of-cards computer modeling built the narrative of long-term global warming.

  • from developed to undeveloped nations.

Even more: They squared and cubed their own corruption, these beneficiaries of tax-supported research money, by closing off legitimate and necessary skepticism, even fantasizing about committing violence against leading skeptics.

  • many of whom will meet next week in Copenhagen to propose draconian emission controls.

That, by any old-school journalist's reckoning, would constitute a scandal of global proportions, and you'd expect the terriers of the press to bare their teeth.

  • Certainly they did so two years ago, when, as the Media Research Center's Rich Noyes reminds us, the networks wouldn't let go of allegations that the Bush administration suppressed global warming science.

So what about their treatment of Climategate?

  • The major networks, as Noyes observes, have scarcely touched it.

Last Wednesday, the three major nets produced Copenhagen curtain raisers. No scandal mention. CNN glanced off it in one story. On Sunday, the ABC panel of George Stephanopoulos discussed it briefly.

  • Fox News Channel, behaving as a journalistic outfit should, has covered the story extensively. It's been all over the Internet and British newspapers.

As for U.S. print media, well, the New York Times' Andrew Revkin reported the story Nov. 21,

"The evidence pointing to a growing human contribution to global warming is so widely accepted that the hacked material is unlikely to erode the overall argument."

  • With that sentence, he ceased being a reporter —
  • not surprising, given his blog's regular trumpeting of warmist alarmism.

The Washington Post on Nov. 25 pre-emptively editorialized about the revelations: "None of it seriously undercuts the scientific consensus on climate change."

  • In fact it does, in spades, as anyone with an elementary reverence for scientific method will recognize.

The same paper's Pulitzer-winning columnist Eugene Robinson, never mind a Post-ABC News Poll showing dramatic erosion of public support for climate legislation,

  • two days later gave the game away:

"Most Americans are convinced that climate change is real — a necessary prerequisite

  • for the kinds of huge economic and behavioral adjustments
  • we would have to make." (!!!!)

So the dominant media no longer check the growth of government, especially when government is poised to impinge on our freedoms.

  • Those fearless watchdogs of the press? Gone."

Editorial, "Seeing No Evil in Climate-Gate," Investors Business Daily, 12/1/09, via Free Republic

  • P.S. Memo to Goldman Sachs Carbon Desk:

Please be advised, your 'desk' is to be vacated by close of business tomorrow.

  • Very truly yours,
  • The former Silent Majority (framus)
Above Sports Illustrated cover from March 2007


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