Saturday, November 14, 2009

On John Wetteland by Joel Sherman

Sherman wrote the book on the 1996 Yankees, "Birth of a Dynasty," which of course included John Wetteland:

Wetteland admitted to drug use as part of a wild youth that included few rules set down by his musician father. But no Yankee of the mid-1990s wore his religion more openly than Wetteland.

  • His Bible was always handy, and he would shoo away reporters (particularly female reporters) as he tried to dress, barking that his body was only for his wife, Michelle, to see.

He claimed a clean life free of illegal substances and booze, but would hover over the coffee machine in spring training, pouring a completed pot of coffee over fresh beans two or three times to intensify the caffeine kick.

  • He could be introspective and thoughtful or dismissive and biting, often within the same conversation. He had a job that demanded confidence,

However, he was known as a good teammate who taught Rivera a lesson that the all-time great closer still says is the foundation of his success: When you pitch late with the game on the line,

  • never get beat on your second-best pitch.

Wetteland was a goat of the Yankees' 1995 Division Series loss to the Mariners, pitching so poorly by the end that then-manager Buck Showalter did not even use him in the decisive Game 5, despite obvious moments to do so. But he was a hero of the 1996 championship for Torre, earning the MVP award for the World Series by saving all four victories over the Braves.

He was a hothead who had broken his toe in 1992 kicking a protective screen for, of all things, giving up a hard-hit ball in batting practice in spring training.

  • It was that hot-headed nature that convinced the Expos to turn him from a wild starter to a wild-man closer. He thrived for the Expos, became too expensive and was traded to the Yankees just before spring training 1995.

Though 1996 ended successfully, it was not a happy year for Wetteland.

  • He was quoted in a Toronto paper saying he did not particularly like New York. When initially confronted, he said it was untrue before being told there was a tape, at which point he recanted and said he no longer felt that way.

Wetteland played roller hockey in the offseason and stayed on skates during the year to keep his oak-tree legs in shape. However, he would ball up socks and fire shots at clubhouse kids, a practice Torre stopped.

  • But that did not stop Wetteland from whipping back and forth in the corridor beneath the Stadium, buzzing by teammates at high speeds.

That resonated. Even people who were not overly fond of Wetteland saw he badly wanted to win. He took responsibility when the ball was in his hand, and out in the bullpen

He bonded during the year with the also very devout Joe Girardi, trusting the catcher who convinced him to use his slider a little more at times when Wetteland was overthrowing his fastball.

  • The championship-winning pile in '96 landed on Wetteland, and he was sure an ankle was going to snap under the weight. He had utter joy. It did not last. The Yanks decided to go with Rivera, and Wetteland signed with the Rangers after the season.

His time with the Yankees was like him, down and up. He had navigated from living hard to throwing hard. But the wars within the man persisted. He was both fiery and peaceful, often in the same five-minute interval."

(Sherman at his best in his book and articles like this. Also good on radio.) ed.

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