Monday, June 15, 2009

Francesa idea: YES Network could do show measuring new stadium

Caller to Mike Francesa on dimensions of new Yankee Stadium, Mike says the Yankees dispute the Accu-Weather report and claim the dimensions are the same as the old stadium. Mike notes the Accu-Weather report mainly deals with the right field porch but that balls have gone out excessively in all areas. He offers an idea for a YES Network program:
  • do a show measuring the new stadium.
  • YES Network cameras record the whole thing, get an independent firm to observe. Francesa suggests a guy like they have on the Oscars who walks in with a briefcase looking like he never smiled in his life.
  • Have people there with a tape measure getting the distances from home plate to several outfield points.
He says YES could sell the show to a sponsor such as Lowes who could supply ladders, tape measures, etc.
  • On Chamberlain's performance Friday, 6/12 v the Mets: "He was an embarrassment." His 5 walks, 2 hit batsmen, extended laboring with Posada all stunk.
I agree with Mike's view of Chamberlain's performance. Both Girardi and Chamberlain disgust me. Girardi should not allow a punk kid who's never even made it through one entire baseball season to be hijacking the game, using it as a warped showcase for himself to disrespect Posada and everyone else-- down to the lowliest fan. This garbage has been going on since the beginning with this kid and should have been stopped. Let him work out his personality problems elsewhere. It tells me Girardi is lost.

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