YES Network fascinated by Manny and "Youk"
On the YES Network's supposedly Yankee post game show, they show footage of tonight's Red Sox game, focusing on a few plays by Manny. YES showcased him making some play off the wall they want us to be impressed about. Bob Lorenz is fascinated, saying what's Manny doing now out there, I think I'm going to call him "Moon Beam" from now on. Lorenz finds him endearing. Then Bob tells about some play by "Youk." The Yankees need their own station. It's clearly not the YES Network. Lorenz--thanks a bunch. You belong on NESN.
- On full display for all to see, the Yankee fan still has no media outlet, facing negativity about the team and its most important elements everywhere either overtly or cutely. There are no checks and balances. It would take character, conscience and management who cared to make a good Yankee network with people who weren't fans of the team. Over several years now, I see absolutely no evidence of these things. The vacuum has been filled, as all vacuums will be.
Labels: Bob Lorenz, YES Network
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I'm guessing that imminent presence of Phil Hughes and Mark Teixeira (!) will keep YES focus at home.
Unknown, at 12:02 AM
I'm afraid YES's attachments elsewhere are longstanding and demonstrable. There's no negative consequence for them so they'll keep doing it. On Phil Hughes, he's much discussed, but I'll wait til he takes the field and shows he can pitch for a few weeks without breaking down. He hasn't done that yet. As for Teixeira, I don't want him. He's a great player, but he'd cost way too much and he's a Boras client on top of it. I doubt they'd trade him for something like Farnsworth straight up. Thanks.
susan, at 12:58 AM
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