Monday, October 16, 2006

Arod sank under the weight of a bad deal, nothing else

The baseball thought police stick together, even using the same trite hooks, like:
  • You probably think (such and such), but you're wrong. Here's why.
  • You're wrong about (such and such). Here's why.
  • (So and so) deserves (such and such) Jayson, Jerry, Steve, Jim, Buster, Tim, Ben, or Bob explains.
  • Hey, I bet you thought (such and such), but you're wrong. Here's why.
  • Yankee fans should realize.
  • Yankee fans make a big mistake. Here's why.
  • Yankees can afford.
There's a simple explanation about Arod which others won't say, because they're selling you something. And it requires no stats:
  • There are bad deals. Actions have consequences. Why would you assume Arod, Scott Boras, Tom Hicks or anyone else gets a free pass? Arod didn't "switch positions to accomodate Jeter." He found there was no market for his services as a SS because he picked the wrong agent and he made a bad deal with an owner who was starved for publicity.
  • There are laws of nature--actions have equal and opposite reactions. This deal sank under its own weight. His likeability and performance are interesting, but ultimately secondary.

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